PhD Courses
FIMS006 Introduction to Rheology FIMS006 is a biennial Treesearch course for PhD students working with rheology, but also suitable to industry researchers that wish to enhance their knowledge of rheology. The registration is open to both national and international participants. The course offers a broad overview of rheology fundamentals and of some of the main types of complex fluids.
The course description for 2022 can be found here. The next one is scheduled for March 2024.
Master courses
MTT090 Polymer Engineering Master course within the Materials Engineering master program at Chalmers.
Bachelor courses
MTT085 Materials Engineering, lectures in Polymeric Materials Bachelor course within the Mechanical Engineering program at Chalmers.

Industry workshops and outreach
We organize rheology seminars for industrial actors on demand. Larger events, such as local workshophs with a special thematic, could be organized with the support of the Nordic Rheology Society.